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Music Producer & CEO of Recherche Accord Parfait


"He Breaths and Lives Music...He is Music PointBlank"


He's a multi talented and a creatif music producer, 

living inVeveyCity,Switzerland .

Created and crafted he's own sound and you can't put him in a box with one genre, he touches any and every music style. Delivers a finished product on every occasion.


Challenge him and you will be amazed.


You will hear from him in 2016...#teamrapprod.



a team of music producers who joined forces together to produce banging instrumentals




une équipe de 2 individus, passionné par la musique avec des horizons musicaux différents créont de la musique ensemble toujours a la recherche de l'accord parfait...

a team of 2 individuals, passionate about music with different musical backgrounds creating music together and always in search of the perfect harmony ...


Working with musicians and artists world wide...lets link up an put in that work



The Result of our team work brought us to the  $DOLLAR$ Beattape Vol.1




SAE Geneva HipHop Project - Vocals Jay to the Z & B.Sigel
00:00 / 00:00

FMJ Producer since '81 

FVT Selecta since '83


Let the music speak...


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